Thursday 19 June 2014

School Photos

School photos are next Monday in the hall at 9.45am. Dress up in your best gear and make yourself look sharp:)

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Inquiry Share

Thank you to those who made it to the inquiry share today! The children were so excited about sharing their learning. Well done K7!


We had a great time at the marionette puppet show on Monday!

Monday 16 June 2014

Mural making

After singing up a storm we each contributed to making a specific part of the water cycle for a mural. We look forward to sharing this at the inquiry share on Thursday.

Water cycle song

We had fun singing our water cycle song today. Lawrence had his own water cycle song so we decided to combine the two for a singing and action extravaganza!

Exploring Volcanos

Lucas explained how a volcano is formed with such enthusiasm that everybody had to have a turn! Here is Lucas's explanation.

Library Day

Our library day has changed to Friday at 9.45am. Please return books by this new day.

Parent Help

Parent help in the classroom will begin in week 9 (we are in week 7). Help is required from 9.30am-10.30am to support the reading programme and from 11.15am-11.45am to support the writing programme. There will be a quick meeting on Tuesday 1st July at 8.40am in K7 to go through games and ways to support the children in their learning.

Days available...
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Thursday

Thank you to Mel (Sebby) and Lucy (Ella) who will be helping on a Tuesday. See me if your keen for a slot:)



Sunday 15 June 2014

Inquiry Share

A reminder that Koru Syndicate are having an Inquiry sharing afternoon this Thursday at 2pm. Please meet in K7. The children are looking forward to sharing their learning with you.

Monday 9 June 2014

Inquiry with Karin in the learning hub today


Inquiry is going well in the class. Today we were lucky enough to go into the learning hub where Karin taught us about the continents and their movement over time.
Here is a cute wee video of the children getting excited about collecting earth samples from the playground.

New Entrant Parent Evening

A reminder that we have a NE parent evening this Wednesday 11th of June from 7pm until 8pm. You will learn about the Jr reading programme and have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the programme, reading acquisition and assessment.

Sound and words of the week


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